Crossword Compiler is used by many people all over the world, including teachers, publishers, professional constructors, webmasters and hobbyists.
The program is the standard of the crossword industry, with many newspapers (e.g. the New York Times, Washington Post, etc) accepting submissions in Crossword Compiler format.
'There's so much to like about this product that it's hard to know where to begin. So let me start with one word: "Wow!"' - Dave Fisher
'Your program is easily the best thing that has ever happened for crossword constructors.' - Nancy Salomon
'This has to be the most ingenious method of crossword creation known to modern man!' - PC Guide
'... remains the most sophisticated tool of its type for the creation of crossword puzzles. It combines enormous configurational flexibility with simplicity of use.... Crossword Compiler is an excellent product... it is a real bargain.' - Jack, Calico review
'Fantastic program. I have purchased my copy yesterday. WOW! Thanks for writing such a wonderful teaching tool!!'
'If you need to compile crosswords, you will be very hard-pressed indeed to come up with anything better than this program - an excellent tool.' - CALL review centre.
''s utterly sensational... This has got to be among the greatest shareware programs ever made.' - Manny Nosowsky
'You must have this software. A constructor's dream come true.' - Kevin McCann (Cruciverb-L)
'I've tried several crossword "builders" and your product is light years ahead of the closest competition.' - Chuck Manning
'I am finding your crossword program excellent - the best I have used. It has greatly speeded and simplified my daily task of creating the Times Two puzzle!'
'Of all the programmes I have this is far and away the best.'
'.. had a quick look and I am very, very impressed... Well done for a magnificent product. I have deleted all the other crossword creating programs I had on the system and intend sticking to yours'
'Firstly, I've used crossword programs before, but this leaves all others in my experience standing! The comprehensiveness and attention to detail are superb. Many thanks!'
''s the best programme I have used for creating crosswords and I use it every day in my crossword distribution business. It is easy to use and quite adaptable for all crossword needs. I certainly couldn't do my work without it.'
'... I am VERY pleased with your program. It does things that I never even considered before, but now enjoy checking after I've created a puzzle. For instance, the "statistics" feature. Fantastic!!! And, I can't believe how fast it takes to make a puzzle. '
'... This feature alone makes it the most superior crossword construction software in the world! (and I own about half a dozen other programs)'
'Can't thank you enough for this program ..... it's brilliant'
'I have made three crosswords of the type Clues in Squares now and I think I got the hang of the job. I also have made one with an image in it. Very nice indeed.'
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