To auto-generate simple clues using AI (LLM), select Generate Clues... from the Clue menu. There is also a toolbar button in the Review/Edit Clues window. The generator will attempt to write clues to your specification for all unclued words in the puzzle. This feature needs an internet connection.
You can also generate a set of possible clues for a specific word by using the button in the Clue Editor, or right-click one a clue in Review/Edit Clues window (Ctrl+G shortcut).
The Clue style dropdown allows you to select the style of clues you want to generate. You can also enter any custom text you like to describe the style.
The Clue language dropdown lets you choose the language for the clues. Click the dropdown and select your desired language or language variation for the spelling conventions you require. You can also write any custom text to describe the language.
Use the Special instructions box to provide any additional instructions for the clue generation. This could include themes, clue length, specific things to avoid, etc.
Once you have made all your selections and provided any special instructions, click the Generate button at the bottom to create the clues based on your settings, which may take a few seconds.
The list on the right initially displays the unclued words. After clicking Generate, it then shows each word with the generated clue. You can select or deselect individual clues by checking or unchecking the boxes next to each clue. Sometimes it may fail to generate a clue either due to AI unreliability or because the word is unknown or misspelled.
If you uncheck clues that you don't want to use, you can click Redo unchecked to re-generate clues for those words.
To fine-tune the clue for a specific word, you can double-click on the clue for that word to see a list of alternative generations. You can also directly edit any generated clue before use.
To select or deselect all clues, use the Select all option at the top right corner of the list.
After generating the clues, you can click the Use clues button to accept the checked clues for use with the active puzzle. You can then view/edit the clues in the Review/Edit Clues window.