Select the Change formats/case option from the Word List Manager’s Word List menu to change the punctuation and capitalization of words in the selected word list.
The Change case setting determines how to map the words’ case. The Punctuation setting determines how the punctuation is changed. Select the Set punctuation/formats from option, and a word list name, to apply the punctuation of the words given in that word list to the current list. This can be useful if you have a new list that is un-punctuated and want to punctuate it correctly using the information in another correctly-punctuated word list.
Select the Remove duplicates option to remove words that differ only by case or punctuation. You can choose to prefer upper case or lower case; if words of the same score exist with different capitalization this setting will be used to determine which to keep (words of higher score are kept by preference).
The Map to equivalent options maps letters as defined in the word list’s letter mapping.