Linking clues

It is possible that you have two or more words in the crossword for which you wish to write a combined clue. For example, if somewhere in the puzzle there are the two words PREGNANT and PAUSE you may wish to write one clue for the phrase 'PREGNANT PAUSE' rather than two separate clues. To do this use the Link Clues dialog box.

You can show the Link Clues dialog box by selecting Link Clues... from the Clue menu, or by pressing the Link Clues button in the Clue Editor. If you use the clue editor and the word you are clueing is already linked you must first clear the current links before making a new set.

The Link Clues dialog box

The left-hand side list-box shows all the words in the crossword which aren't currently linked. Select the first word in the phrase you want to link and press the > button. Then the next one, and so on. The words you are linking are shown on the right, in the order you linked them. The linked word is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

To change the order of a word in the linked phrase, select the word and click on the arrows are the right of the dialog box to move it up or down

The linked word is shown using the format in the Word Format input-line. You can change this to correct the punctuation of the linked phrase, or you can edit the Solution word directly.

The Clue number text entry is automatically set every time you add a word to the linked phrase. Once you have the phrase linked as you want you can change this entry as you link. The clue number text is the text used for the clue number when printing, e.g.

By default it might be

2/3/6/7D This is the clue

and you could change '2/3/5/7D' to '2,3,5 & 7 Down' to make it appear as

2,3,5 & 7 Down This is the clue

Once you are satisfied with all the setting you can close the dialog box, or, to set another set of links, press the Set links and select new set button.

To delete a set of links, put the cursor on one of the linked words, bring up the clue editor and click the Link Clues button (). You will be prompted to clear the link.