View/Edit words and scores

Select View/Edit words and scores< from the Words menu to show a list of all the words in the puzzle along with their score. The panel on the right shows all your word lists. Clicking on a word on the left will show the score of that word in all of your lists (or no score if the word is not in a particular word list). To edit the score, click on the score on the left and enter the new number. This will either change just the specific word list selected, or all word lists, or all word lists which have the word at the same score, depending on which option you select from the drop-down box on the top right.

You can view the scores of all the words in other lists by clicking on different list names on the right.

By default, words are exactly matched to words in word lists, so, for example, 'Nice' and 'nice' are regarded as different words. Click the Match equivalent words box if you want to match irrespective of case and formatting.

To adjust scores of multiple words, or add/remove them from word lists, select the wors on the left (e.g. by Ctrl-clicking) and then use right click (or the Change Scores button) to select what you want to do with them.

If the solution words in the puzzle are not correctly formatted (wrong case or punctuation), you can set the solution words to match the words in a selected word list by selecting Set all solution formats from list from the Change Scores button drop-down menu.