Viewing words used by Fill Grid

When you have completed a fill using AutoFill or Fill Grid you can view the words used in the grid by clicking the Words used button on the filling toolbar. If you want to view words at any other time select Words and word statistics from the Words menu.

The window lists the words used in fill order, along with the words’ scores. Theme or Rebus words are shown in different colors. Press OK to close the window or press one of the other buttons at the bottom. Click on Refill from selected word to undo all the words in the grid until it the selected word and then refill with a different word in that word slot. Click Refill without selected word to do the same as Refill from selected word but to remove the words from the word list so that they can’t be used again elsewhere.

Click the Check for similar words button to analyse the words used and highlight substrings they have in common. For instance if the grid contained REOCCUR and OCCUR the program would list the two words with the common substring highlighted. This can be useful if you want to avoid using similar words.

You can edit scores of the words directly by clicking on the score. Use the right-click menu on a selected word to delete it from one or more other word lists, or change the score in multiple word lists.

Select Always show words from the Words Used button drop-down menu to automatically show the list of used words whenever a fill completes. The font used for displaying the words can be changed under Preferences.