
Use AutoFind to find words to fit in the puzzle. Click the toolbar icon (), select AutoFind from the Words menu, or click the right mouse button on a square in the word slot that you want to fill. Words are found to fit in the current typing direction, but if there is only one possible word through the cursor's square, words are found to fit in that direction.

For example if you had a puzzle that looked like this:

You may want to find a word to fit down the middle. Click with the right mouse button on one of the squares, for example, above the 'D', to pop up a list of words that fit. Simply scroll through and select the word you want and press Insert. When you select a word you can see it in the grid in grey. If you selected the word admiral then the puzzle would look like this:

If AutoFind doesn't immediately come up with a suitable word you can search in any of the other word lists you have set up by clicking on the tabs at the top of the AutoFind dialog box. The word list that is used by default, and the word lists that are displayed, can be changed by selecting Change list usage... from the Words menu, of the Settings icon button at the bottom of the AutoFind window.

To find words matching a certain pattern use the Find Word... command on the Words menu. To find a fit for whole sections of the puzzle (rather than just one word at a time), use the AutoFill command on the Words menu.

If you want to find words of various lengths that would fit in the grid you can use Shift+Alt+A, or Ctrl+Right Mouse to bring up the Find Word dialog box set with the word pattern at the current cursor position.

AutoFind can also show only words which, when inserted into the grid, will not cause impossible letter combinations. To show only words compatible with their intersecting words, click the button in the bottom-left corner of the AutoFind box. The word that is compatible with the most intersecting words in the default word list will be selected. You can show only compatible words by default by changing the setting under Change list usage. To show all the words that will fit regardless of the intersecting word slots just press the button again.

If your search comes up with a word that you want to remove from the word list just select the word and press Delete. It will be removed form the word list in which it was found. Alternatively you can right-click on any word to edit it, change the score, delete it, or add to and remove from specific word lists.

You can also use AutoFind on a complete word in the grid. If the word is not in the selected word list there is an option to add it.

The font used for displaying the words can be changed under Preferences.

AutoFind (any length)

Select this option from the Words menu, or press Shift+Ctrl+A to find words that will fit in the current word slot, including words not long enough to fill the entire slot. Select a word and click the Insert button to paste a word into the grid. A block (or bar) will be inserted at the end of the word if it is not long enough to fill the entire word slot.