Word List Usage

Select Change List Usage... from the Words menu to set and change the way the word lists are used by AutoFind in the current crossword and various other word list settings. There are four pages of options, click on the tabs at the top of the dialog box for the page you want. Check the Save as default box to save the changes for the next time you use the program.


All un-selected available word lists are shown on the left, the ones selected for use with AutoFind are shown on the right. Press the arrow buttons to move lists between the two. If you select the Use all check-box, all the available lists will be used (up to a maximum of 25). The word lists shown on the right are the ones that are searched when you invoke AutoFind.. The settings can either be applied to all puzzles that you make, or they can be set per puzzle (and saved in template files). This option is set using the radio button at the bottom.


Select the word list you want to use for finding anagrams in the List to use combo-box. The anagram finder will not use words with a score less than that specified in the Minimum word score entry. The Maximum number of words in anagram option lets you put a limit on the type of multi-word anagrams that are found.

Word Finding

Use this page to set further options for word finding, based on the word lists you have selected in the Select word lists page. The word finding features will not find words with score less than that specified under Minimum word score. Change the Maximum number of words to find to prevent the program spending ages finding thousands and thousands of matches for an un-restricting search. Select the last check box if you want AutoFind to show only words that will allow you to find words that fit in the intersecting word slots. This is useful as it ensures that a word you find using AutoFind will not immediately generate a letter combination in the grid which no words will fit.

Grid Insight

Use this page to set whether Grid Insight uses the same setting as the current grid's fill, or whether it uses fixed global word list settings. If you just want to check consistency of the grid with your standard fill setting you probably want to Use Fill Grid/Autofill options of active puzzle. If you prefer Grid Insight to use a different word list, for example a much larger word list to check whether the grid is still fillable if you include more obscure words, select Use fixed global settings. You can specify a minimum word score for the fill, and the minimum-length substring to check for duplication (Pro Filler, if that setting is turned on in the Grid Insight options.


Select the word list to use for spell-checking clues in the Review/edit clues box, and for checking the words in the grid (listed in the puzzle statistics box). Words with scores less than the Minimum word score will be counted as mistakes. You can choose to Ignore words shorter than a certain length, ignore words starting with a capital (except ones at the beginning of clues), or words that are in uppercase. The Suggestions language is used to determine the language used when making suggestions for corrections (if your language is not available, you may need to install additional Windows components).

You can change which word lists are used for AutoFill in the Fill Grid dialog box.