Copying and filtering Word Lists

To make a copy of a word list select a word list and click on Duplicate/filter list on the Word List Manager’s Word List menu. Then type in a name for the copy of the word list.

If you want the copy to contain only words of a particular score, click the Include only words with scores of: check box and select the scores you want to include (use Ctrl and Shift plus mouse clicks to select a range of set of values). To restrict to particular word length, use the options on the Word lengths tab. You can also use the Format tab to only include words matching a selection of case/punctuation filters.

If you want the copy to contain only words matching a particular pattern enter the pattern text as you would using Find Word.

If you want to alter the word list you can use the Replace option to replace character strings with a replacement. The replacements can use regular expressions.

You can also filter the word list to contain only words that are also present in another list. Select the Equivalent Words box if you don’t care about the punctuation or capitalization of the words, and the Words NOT in box if instead you want the filtered list to contain only words not in the select word list.

Operations are performed in the order given above, in other words replacements occur on the list after matching to any specified pattern but before comparing with another word list.

The Duplicate/filter list window is also a handy way of viewing the number of words with each word score.