Word List Manager

You can use the Word List Manager to view, edit, change and create word lists and theme lists. To open the manager select Word List Manager... from the Words menu.

On the left there are two tabs. Click the Theme lists tab to view and edit theme lists, the Main Word Lists tab to edit the large main word lists.

Main Word Lists

The box on the left shows all the word lists that you have at the moment. Below that there is a panel which gives information about the selected list. To change the list information just type in some new text and press the Change Info button.

To view the words in a list just click on its name, and then press the View button at the bottom, click on one of the starting letters, or type a search into the Word filter box. You can also select a score in the score drop-down filter box to only see words of a particular score, or select ... to select a range of scores.

Click (or press F2) on a word to edit it or its score. You can also select multiple words by holding down Ctrl while you click on them; the right-click menu then gives you an option to change or delete the selected words, change all their scores, change the case, or add/remove the words from other lists.

You can create new lists, and delete word lists, by pressing the buttons at the bottom of the window. For more advanced functions select one of the options from the Word List or Convert menus. For example, to rename a word list select Rename list from the Word List menu.

A history of word list changes is maintained on your machine so that you can undo mistakes and revert to previous versions of word lists. See Undo/revert Changes on the Word List Manager's main menu to see or restore previous versions, and change options (like disk space used) for the backup history.

The font used for displaying the words can be changed under Preferences.

See the following for more information:

Viewing and editing lists
Creating new lists
Adding and removing words
Merging word lists together
Adding plain text word lists
Change case and punctuation
Changing word list scores
Duplicating and filtering lists
Converting word lists
Equivalent letters and punctuation
Character sets

Theme lists

Click theTheme lists tab on the left panel to show the available theme lists. Click on a list to view the words in the list in the right-hand box. You can edit the words in the right-hand box as you wish.

Click Sort to sort the words in the list alphabetically. Press Remove Duplicates to make sure each word only occurs once, or Change Case to change the capitalization of words.

Click the New button to start a new empty list, or generate a word list using the Theme List Generator.

Use the option on the Convert menu to promote a theme list to a main word list. The Word List menu has items for renaming and deleting lists, or for copying and pasting words from the clipboard.