Viewing and Editing lists

You can view and edit the contents of a word list using the Word List Manager. Select the list that you want to view and edit, and click on the View button. Words in the list will now appear on the right-hand side, with their corresponding scores.

You can search quickly for a word by typing it into the Word filter box. This will show all words starting with the given letters. You can also enter a search pattern, or select a score from the drop-down score filter.

If it is a large word list, and you haven't entered a search, the words will only be displayed one starting letter at a time. You can change which starting letter to view by clicking on the alphabet to the side.

To edit a word, just click on it with the mouse or press F2. You can also change the word's score. You can also select multiple words (hold down Ctrl while clicking on them), and then use the right-click menu to change their scores, copy or delete them, or add or remove from other word lists.

When you change to another word list or close the Word List Manager the word list will be updated to reflect the changes that you've made.

When a word is selected you can use Shift plus the left/right cursor keys to quickly increment or decrement the word’s score. You can also press Ctrl+C to copy a word to the clipboard, or Delete to delete it.

You can see various word list statistics, including the distribution of word lengths, letters, scores and formats, by selecting Word list statistics from the Wordlist menu in the Word List Manager.