Adding and removing words from word lists

To add or remove words from any of the existing word lists, first open the Word List Manager and select the list that you want to change.

Adding words

Either press the Add... button or select Add Words form the Word List menu. After you've typed in a word press Enter, and it will appear in the box below with the score specified in the Score number box. Keep typing in words, pressing enter after each one, until you've typed in all the words you want to add, and then press the Add All button, which will add them to the word list. If you want to add the words to more than one list, you can Ctrl+Click to select multiple lists to add to.

If you make a mistake you can change the word by double-clicking on it, correcting it, and pressing Enter.

You can also quickly copy and paste in a batch of words, just select a list of words in some other program (one word per line) and click the Paste batch button. They will be appended to the list of words to be added all with the score currently set in the score box. If the words have the wrong score, you can change them all using the Change Scores button before adding to the list(s).

Removing words

Select Remove words... from the Word List menu and just type in the words you want to remove. Press Enter after each word to start a new line. When you've finished either press Alt+O or press the OK button. The words will then be removed from the selected word list. You can also Ctrl+Click on several word list names to remove from multiple word lists at once.

If you come across a word that you want to remove when using AutoFind or Find Word, just select the word in the dialog box and press delete. You can also delete a word in a crossword grid by placing the cursor in the word, changing its direction to the direction of the word (by pressing TAB), and pressing Ctrl+D.

Finding, adding, removing and editing specific words

You can use the filter boxes in the Word List Manager to see words matching a particular pattern or with a particular score. By right-clicking on the word(s) there are options to delete and modify the words, add or remove then from other word lists, adjust the score, or copy to the clipboard. You can select multiple words by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the ones you want to select.