Print headers

Select Headers... from the File menu to specify the headers to use when you Print a puzzle.

You can have left and right headers, and below that a header that goes right across the page. The left and right headers are half a page wide, and useful if you want to have text at the left and right at the same distance down the page.

If you wish you can have two different headers - you could then use a different header depending on what you are printing out. Just uncheck the Both headers the same check box, and click on the Header A or Header B tabs to edit the corresponding headers. You can then select which header you want to use when you Print the puzzle.

Select justification and font styles within each header by using the buttons on the toolbar.

When you have finished editing the headers press OK to associate the headers with the current crossword. Click the Save as default headers button to store your headers for use with all puzzles that don't specify their own headers. If you want to use the default headers with a particular crossword just click the Set default headers button. If you want to use non-default headers for some types of crossword then you can save your puzzle (with its headers) as a templates for use when you create new puzzles.

You may customize headers to provide constant text (such as your name and address) or variable data (such as puzzle details or date). To supply constant text, simply type that text in one of the header boxes. To supply variable text, use one or more of these control codes each beginning with a '%'.

%T Puzzle title %A Puzzle author
%C Puzzle copyright %I Puzzle description
%D Day of the month %W Puzzle width
%M Month of the year %H Puzzle height
%Y Year (abbreviated. E.g. '95') %N Number of words in puzzle
%% The percent sign '%' %B Number of blocks and clue squares
%P Puzzle's path and filename %F Puzzle's file name
%G Number of the page being printed  

You can also insert the control codes by clicking on the book icon at the far left of the toolbar. When the puzzle is printed the control code is replaced with the text it represents, in the font and style that you have used for the control code.

Some examples:

What you want the header be What you type

12 x 15 puzzle: Sample puzzle

%W x %H puzzle: %T

Antony Lewis 10/5/16 %A %D/%M/%Y
File Name: DEMOPUZ.CCW File Name:%F

The puzzle title, author, copyright and description are set in the puzzle information box. Codes are particularly useful in conjunction with these settings as they allow you to set the headers only once, and then just change the title, author, etc., every time you create a new puzzle.