Printing a puzzle

Select Print/PDF for Review... from the File menu to print or export the crossword, with options to include solutions and answers in a way that's helpful for reviewing (rather than solving). A dialog box is displayed showing the various print options. Check the checkboxes for what you want printed. If you want to print out the grid and clues in a multi-column format for solvers to use, you can use the Print/Export Worksheet option instead. If you want to submit a standard crossword for submission to a crossword editor, you can click the Set for review button to quickly configure clues-with-answers options that are commonly used for submission.


This prints the headers you have selected in the Headers dialog box, with the relevant information about the current puzzle inserted. You can select the Header A or Header B to choose which header to use if you have multiple headers available.

Puzzle, solution and numbered solution

Self explanatory. The numbered solution has the solution letters and the grid numbers. Select Print on separate page to print the solution after the puzzle and clues on a separate page.

Clues and clues with answers

You can choose to print just the clues, in which case they are printed in two columns, or you can print the clues with answers — clue on the left and the solutions on the right (as when you review the clues). Extra formatting options for printing clues can be set in the Clue Properties box.

Code grid, Code solution

These are only available if you have a coded grid (numbered by letter). These options print out a blank and completed grid of letter-number relationships.

Headers on each page prints the headers at the top of every page printed, not just the first

Separate pages prints each item you have selected on a separate page

Use hashed blocks can be useful if you want to speed up printing on a dot matrix, or stop the paper getting soggy on an InkJet.

Collate will collate the pages and is only available with some printers

Copies determines how many copies of each page are printed.

Printer Setup show the Print Setup dialog box.

If you try to print the clues before you have written any, the program will print out the clue numbers with a blank space next to it. This is useful if you like to work to a hard copy when writing clues. You can then type in the clues when you are satisfied with them.

Note that very large puzzles may not fit on A4 paper. You will be asked whether the square sizes should be shrunk to make it fit if the puzzle doesn't fit. To change the margins choose the Page Setup... command from the File menu. You can change the printer by clicking the Printer Setup button (or selecting Printer Setup... on the File menu).

You can save your settings for printing by pressing the Save options button. The settings will be saved for the next time you print out a puzzle.

Printing the puzzle uses all the settings set in the various property dialog boxes.

See Grid Properties, Font and Clue Properties for more information.