Print/Export Worksheet

Select Print/Export Worksheet on the file menu to export the puzzle and clues to a PDF file, MS Word, or to print directly. The output format is suitable for people to solve the puzzle. Use the Print/PDF for review feature if instead you want to print out for submission to a crossword editor or for your own use.

Under Action you can select whether to Print, Export PDF or Use Ms Word. Press Print preview to see what it will look like before printing or exporting.

To export to MS Word select Use MS Word and then press Open for editing.

There are various options. Select Clues to include the puzzle and clues, Fill-in words to include the puzzle and the list of words, sorted by word length. You can change the number of Columns that the clues/words are printed in. The grid will span as many columns as necessary. If you have a puzzle with lots of short clues you will probably find that increasing the column count allow you to fit the puzzle on fewer pages. Select the wrap text round grid option if you want to allow incomplete-width columns of clues by the side of the grid. If this option is not selected only full width columns of clues will be allowed. Select the Clues below grid option if you don’t want columns of clues beside the grid, only below the grid.

Check the Include main header A box to include a header at the top of the page. See the print headers topic for how to change the header. By default, the header includes just the title for the puzzle, set under puzzle information.

The puzzle and clues may span any number of pages at the default size (grid size set under Grid Properties, clue font set under Clue Properties). Check the Try to fit on one page box to force the program to shrink the grid and clue font size to try and make everything fit onto one page. This is not always possible, but it is quite often possible to decrease the page count by one, giving a rather neater printout. If it fails to fit on one page or the font size is too small it’s probably worth trying again with a larger number of columns. By default the grid is printed at the square size set in Grid Properties if it will fit, but if you are wrapping clues around the grid, you can Scale grid to fill columns to automatically scale the grid to span the width of all but one of the columns.