Keyboard control and shortcuts

Keyboard controls when editing a puzzle:

Cursors Move the cursor; right/down also change typing direction
Shift+Cursors Select squares
Ctrl+Cursors Skip to next or previous word start
Alt+Cursors Insert/remove a bar on a side of the square
Tab Toggle the direction in which you want to type
Enter Move to left or top of next line
Spacebar Insert a default Block
Delete Delete letter/block at cursor
Ctrl+Delete Remove square from puzzle
Shift+Delete Delete word. Doesn't affect intersecting words
Alt+Delete Delete letters, but not blocks, in current selection
Alt+Backspace Undo
Alt+Enter Edit a square's properties
Ctrl+A AutoFind
Shift+Alt+A Find word to fit in word slot
Ctrl+E Edit Clue
Ctrl+R Review/edit clues
Ctrl+W Show WordWeb with the word at the cursor (if you have WordWeb installed).
Ctrl+C Copy word at cursor to clipboard
Ctrl+X Cut word at cursor to clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste word at start of current word slot
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste word starting at the cursor position
Ctrl+L Select word in the current word slot
Select square and any symmetric squares
Insert multiple letters in a square, e.g. for a rebus puzzle
Toggle marking the current word as a theme word
F1 Help Contents
Ctrl+S Save

See Mouse for mouse combinations and the Toolbar topic