Buy Now

Crossword Compiler subscriptions are based on a yearly payment cycle, and include all major and minor updates to all included products. You can cancel the subscription renewal at any time, but an active subscription is needed to use the program(s). Alternatively you can make a one-off purchase.

BASIC - $2.42/month PRO BUNDLE - $6.50/month BUSINESS - $25/month
  • All puzzle styles and web applet with default basic word lists.
  • All Pro Bundle features
  • All add-on Oxford, Chambers and Collins dictionaries and lists
  • Hidden copyright custom-brandable web applet

Purchase - $29/Yr

Purchase - $78/Yr

Purchase - $300/Yr

Full catalogue and multi-user
Qty Description Price/year in USD
Crossword Compiler
WordWeb Pro 10
(thesaurus/dictionary add-on)
Additional word lists
Language word lists
Geographical word lists
Pro Grid Filler add-on

 -OR- save by buying one of the bundle options:
Standard Bundle
(all the above except the Pro Grid Filler)
Professional Bundle
(all the above including the Pro Grid Filler)

Additional full dictionaries (require WordWeb Pro)
(full dictionaries in shown separate WordWeb Pro tabs; also include word lists)
Oxford Dictionary of English
includes audio
New Oxford American Dictionary
includes audio
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
Our most authoritative offering, a third of the full 20-volume OED.
Collins English Dictionary
includes audio
Chambers Dictionary
Chambers Thesaurus

 -OR- save by buying a complete product bundle:
Crossword Compiler Pro Reference Bundle
Professional Bundle with the Collins Dictionary,
Chambers Thesaurus and the Oxford Dictionary of English
Crossword Compiler Pro US Reference Bundle
Professional Bundle with the Collins Dictionary,
Chambers Thesaurus and the New Oxford American Dictionary
Crossword Compiler Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle
Professional Bundle with all extra dictionaries listed above
Crossword Compiler Business Pro
Professional Bundle, hidden-copyright web applet licensing for custom branding (no add-on dictionaries).
Crossword Compiler Business Bundle
Crossword Compiler, WordWeb Pro dictionary, all add-on word lists and extra dictionaries listed above, and hidden-copyright web applet licensing for custom branding.
Delivery     Download link e-mailed

After entering in quantities above press "Buy Now" to see an order summary and then connect to a secure web site where you can enter your details.

Geographical word lists

There are two large lists of place names in the UK (37 000) and US (16 000), plus the following (separate) lists containing place names and geographical features (rivers, hills, regions, etc.) from all over the world:

If you order online you do not need to download them all!

Additional English word lists

Language word lists

English word lists for British, American, Canadian and Australian English.

The Pro program bundle also includes:

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