The new multithreaded filling algorithm can find difficult fills many times faster, using the full power of modern computer chips to search multiple possible solutions at once.
You can now also easily fill just a section of the grid: select the squares you want to fill (Ctrl+Mouse down and move), and AutoFill/Fill Grid will then only fill the selected part of the grid.
Buttons have been re-arranged for easier access to filling functions, and the Words Used window now allows direct editing of scores, as well as removing (or adding) words to multiple word lists at once.
Use AI to generate simple clues for unclued words. Specify the style and language, and optionally give special instructions.
There's also a new AI-powered help assistant on the Help menu, and generator for theme word lists. See the tutorial video.
This new feature works in the background to immediately identify problems in the grid like duplicate words, or word slots or areas that are unfillable. It also does a full fill analysis, with an indicator button at the right of the lower toolbar indicating whether the grid section is fillable (green) or not (red). Any forced letters are shown in the grid (the s in skit in the example on the right).
With the Pro Grid Filler installed, Grid Insight can also highlight repeated substrings.
Using Manual Word Selection, the Pro Grid Filler now does a deep background analysis of each possible word choice, indicating if a full grid fill is definitely possible (green tick), and eliminating dead ends. For each possible word, forced word and area fills are indicated, so you can easily find the best word for each slot. The filler iteratively does deeper searches, making full use of your computer's processor to give you the most possible information. By almost eliminating dead-end fills, choosing words to make great fills becomes easier than it has ever been.
For Auto-filling, there are now non-stop filling options to find 10, 100 (or custom number) of best-scoring fills, great for finding the best options to fill a corner of the grid.
A new large scored American word list is provided for use with grid filling. There's support for setting scores per word length, Rebus and letter substitutions, and more; see the Pro Grid Filler page for further screenshots.
Grid Filling, AutoFind and other functions now have full support for multi-letter squares, e.g. to make Rebus puzzles.
Pre-entered multi-letter squares can be filled around (as shown here, text entered in Square Properties), or with the Pro Grid Filler you can define rebus words to substitute when starting a fill.
There is a new precision layout engine, with support for diagonal arrows (+ button in Clue Square Editor), thin line separators (half-line font size), and smart sizing to optimally fit text in the square.
There are new Clue Square Editor options for word wrap, letter wrap and no wrap (click and right click on "wrap" in the Clue Square Editor; with no wrap, font size shrinks to fit text).
There are several powerful new features for adding and removing words from multiple word lists at once. As well as in the word list manager, these features can also easily be accessed when grid filling.
Editing scores is now also a lot easier: they can be edited directly in-place in the Word List Manager as you browse, and in the Words Used window when grid filling. Scores of words in the puzzle can also be changed in multiple word lists (new View/Edit words and scores window on the Words menu).
The solving applet now works well on small-screen iPhones, as well as Android, tablets and desktop. If the screen is too small to show the whole grid and clues, the current clue is shown in a separate panel.
The applet now supports lossless export of JPG/PNG embedded images, diagonal clue square arrows, improved clue square layout, embedded scalable graphical buttons and other enhancements. The WordPress plugin has also been updated for quick puzzle preview.
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